Experience and Innovation

With years of Senior Leadership experience in nonprofits and web3 companies, Drew will help elevate your organizations impact with web3 tools.

Drew Simon is the Founder of NextGen Nonprofit Solutions Inc., the company behind Crypto Altruism, a platform dedicated to showing the world the good of web3. Through the Crypto Altruism podcast and blog, Drew has interviewed over 100 pioneering leaders in the web3 social impact space, and has released over 140 podcast episodes, 250blog posts and infographics, and has consulted with non-profits and social impact leaders on how they can utilize web3 tools to advance their movements of change.

Drew has over ten years of leadership experience in the non-profit and higher education sectors, serving as a Senior Leader, Director, and Advisor for multiple non-profit and charitable organizations, and through his private consultancy, has helped non-profits secure millions of dollars in funding. Drew has a Masters of Education degree.

About Crypto Altruism

Showing the world the good of Web3.

Crypto Altruism, brought to you by NextGen Nonprofit, is the leading platform for content highlighting the social impact use cases of web3 and the extraordinary organizations and projects that are using this technology to change the world. Through our blog, podcast, and educational resources, we elevate stories of how crypto, blockchain, NFTs, DAOs, and other web3 innovations are being used all over the world for novel and inspiring use cases.